Custom Confirmation Redirect


When a user completes a booking, you might want them to wow them with a creative splash page. Adding a custom confirmation redirect URL will let you specify the URL the user is redirected to upon successful completion of a Reservation.

(Technical note: what we actually do is reassign the in Javascript. This ensures we escape the iFrame without any nasty side effects.)

You also might like to put some data into your own CRM at that very point too, or track in your application that a Reservation was completed.


Set the Custom Confirmation Redirect URL in your Staylists portal.

When a Reservation is completed, we’ll redirect to that URL with a query string that will reveal the following details. You can present these to the guest in a Congratulation! style message, and store them for future reservation in your application, or CRM systems.

Attribute Value Type
res_id Staylists unique Reservation ID
acc_name The name of the Property at which the Reservation was made
email The email address of the person who made the Reservation
start_date The start date / arrival date of the Reservation
nights The number of nights booked
guests The number of guests booked to stay
total Total amount paid
bookings An array of details about the individual bookings. (nights) (price) (bookable) (rate_type)